Inspired by The Lost 100-Pagers and Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues, I've decided to create my own take on comic book covers. These will be all-original art illustrated by myself. Thank you and a good afternoon. Excelsior!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Company Man

I didn't follow Dreadstar religiously during the time it came out, but I would buy it whenever I see it in bargain bins and discount book shops. I think I've managed to almost complete the Marvel/Epic run, with only a few issues missing. I've also managed to get ahold of the first few issues when the title transferred to First Comics, so at least I got to read how the war between the Monarchy and Instrumentality ended.


  1. Dreadstar struggled for a while at the start of the First run, and the whole "nazi-hunting" premise left me cold, but once Peter David took over writing it, he gave it some new life that put the title near the top of my "must read" list every month.

  2. I only managed to get maybe two issues of the Peter David run, but was a bit disappointed with the cartoony Angel Medina art. Plus, First comics had become a bit hard to find where I'm from during their later years.
