Inspired by The Lost 100-Pagers and Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues, I've decided to create my own take on comic book covers. These will be all-original art illustrated by myself. Thank you and a good afternoon. Excelsior!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Flower Power

The Black Orchid was a rarity because when she first appeared, she had no origin or backstory. It wouldn't be until more than a decade later that Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean would give her one. I wonder what co-creators Sheldon Mayer and Tony DeZuñiga had in mind for her, or if they intended her to just be a mysterious figure, like the Phantom Stranger. And did the lack of an origin kill interest in the character and prevented her from being a regular fixture in the DC Universe?

In contrast, Lady Shiva seemed  like she was created solely for the purpose of being a supporting character for Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter. But when she became a recurring character on the Batman titles, she became a mainstay of the DC Universe, flip-flopping from villain to anti-heroine.